Access Management
Project Permissions

Project Permissions

Configuring Project Permissions

Project permissions settings allow you to regulate access based on user roles or restrict users with specific roles from accessing certain project entities. These entities are generated by AI during application initialization based on the prompt (for more about the entity, go here).

In order to modify a role's project permissions, navigate to the ROQ console. From there, select Users & Access, then Roles, and finally click on the Edit Project Permissions button (indicated by a key icon).

list of user roles

The project permission settings allow you to change the permissions for any user role across all project entities, and these entities are available for all role types.

project entities permissions

For instance, to give the Marketing role permissions to collect or read all the like data, all query data related to the user entity - such as comment and video - should be included.

like - user entity permission for a role

Define Path

The Path in ROQ is essentially a data join that connects entities and the user. In most schemas, there are multiple ways to join any entity to the user.

The project permissions setting allows you to build a custom entity path for any roles. For instance, in our previous example, we can add a path to the organization entity.

Custom Entity Path

The new entity path will be: like → comment → organization → video → user.

Defining the entity path depends on the role and scope of the project permissions. For example, it will makes sense for a Content Creator to access the data of their uploaded videos, including the comment and like data.

The project schema, the current user role & permissions will be used by the ROQ platform for creating the query plan for the generated application.